translation into an RGB image, with any applicable corrections Transfer of images from the camera to a computer The program is supposed to provide five major functionalities: The Olympus Master is really a revamped version of the Camedia Master, which was included with previous Olympus models, and which it replaces. There is a chance I can tell a good program from a lemon not everything is just a matter of taste.) software industry as a programmer, software designer, and project team leader. (Because I'm quite critical in this write-up, you may want to check my credentials: I've been programming computers since 1967, for the last 20 years making a living out of it in the U.S. The review may become more detailed in time, but only if the software improves to a significant degree as of now, I feel, this would be a waste of effort. This is a brief review of, or rather a few remarks on, the Olympus Master software, included with the Olympus E-300 camera. My other articles related to the Olympus E-System cameras. Olympus Master - Better, but Still not There